
在LBMC网络安全, 我们将合规计划从被动的提升, 打勾练习要积极主动, 战略功能. Our approach goes beyond merely managing risks; it anticipates and mitigates them while enhancing governance frameworks. 我们还利用技术提供可操作的见解,以推动改进.

This transformation equips your organization to stay ahead of both current and emerging IT risks. 它确保您的遵从性姿态是灵活的, 适应不断变化的景观和技术.

通过采取这种积极主动的方法, 您可以更有效地管理变更并维护高安全标准. This strategy ensures that your organization remains secure and compliant in a dynamic technological environment.


Our dedicated team of IT compliance experts helps organizations understand and manage risks associated with IT and emerging technologies. 我们为内部定制的控制提供强有力的保证, 监管, 扩展企业需求. Our comprehensive security assessment services perform detailed IT compliance audits and ensure that your operations comply with key frameworks. 这种方法涵盖了遵从性的所有方面, 帮助保护您的操作和敏感数据.


LBMC 网络安全 offers specialized services to keep your business current with evolving PCI requirements and protect your 监管 and legal interests. Our security assessment service covers various standards and frameworks essential for maintaining strong security controls and meeting compliance standards.

明升体育app下载法规遵从服务通过彻底调查来处理操作风险, 数据管理, 进行法医分析, 防止金融犯罪. 这种方法保证了完全的遵从性并改善了您的安全状态, 解决安全漏洞,加强数据保护.



确保您的组织满足严格的IT遵从性要求, 主动评估你的准备情况是至关重要的. Here are structured steps to guide you through evaluating and enhancing your compliance posture:

1. 从自我评估开始:

Use available self-assessment tools to evaluate your current security and compliance status. 这些工具可以快速分析您的系统, 提供识别安全缺陷的即时报告. Addressing these issues early on can prevent minor gaps from turning into significant security challenges.

2. 识别和优先考虑差距:

系统地记录你在自我评估中发现的差距. Prioritize each based on its impact on compliance and the resources required for remediation. Effective prioritization is essential to prevent these issues from escalating into more significant problems.

3. 制定合规路线图:

为实施必要的变更构建详细的时间表或路线图. This will help organize and prioritize the steps needed to address compliance and security gaps effectively.

在准备审计时,有效的计划是至关重要的. Many accreditation organizations suggest beginning this process at least six months in advance. This recommendation is particularly important if your current security measures are not strong. 这种方法为您提供了足够的时间来增强和巩固您的安全协议.

4. 明智地选择自动化:

当考虑遵从性流程的自动化时, 选择与您的治理一致的工具, 风险管理, 以及合规策略. The right technology can streamline compliance efforts and ensure ongoing adherence to standards.


LBMC提供全面的IT安全遵从性和保证服务. These thorough evaluations are essential for any organization looking to assess and enhance their compliance readiness and overall security strategy. 通过明升体育app下载服务, we help organizations not only meet 监管 requirements but also strengthen their security defenses.


  • 综合评估: We examine your IT systems and processes using industry-standard benchmarks and frameworks. 这有助于识别遵从性和安全性实践中的任何差距.
  • 增强的安全态势: 通过识别漏洞, 明升体育app下载评估可以帮助你加强防御, 确保更加安全的作战环境.
  • 审核准备: 明升体育app下载服务为您的组织准备合规审核, 确保你符合必要的标准,避免潜在的处罚.
  • 风险管理: Leveraging LBMC’s expertise helps your organization effectively manage and mitigate IT-related risks. This proactive approach prevents future security issues and enhances your overall risk readiness.

当你与LBMC网络安全合作时, 确保您的组织为法规遵从性做好准备. This collaboration also enhances your defenses against IT threats, providing better protection.


Businesses that invest in IT applications and programs in the cloud often experience increased productivity, 减少开销, 更少的IT头疼. 伴随着这些巨大的优势,也带来了独特的风险.

Moving infrastructure outside of your on-premises datacenters changes the security dynamic and requires additional security to keep your assets safe. 组织需要帮助来确保其云工作负载和数据保密, 保持数据完整性, 并在需要时提供.


LBMC 网络安全 brings a suite of cloud security services designed to help enterprises evaluate and improve the security of their cloud environments. 使用LBMC,组织可以专注于改进云安全的三个主要领域. 各种规模的组织都能从更加安全和受保护的云环境中受益. 使用LBMC,您可以:

  • 发现您的云足迹和暴露的范围.
  • 评估云平台的技术安全状况.
  • 评估您的云治理流程.
  • 对未来和当前的云架构和设计进行咨询.


Cloud-hosting services like Azure and AWS offer great benefits for internet-accessible data storage where users can upload anything from database backups to business applications. LBMC可以帮助您的组织评估和监控云环境的风险. 明升体育app下载云安全服务包括:

  • 云安全技术评估
  • 云安全治理 & 合规
  • 云供应商风险评估云安全风险评估

虽然实施云基础设施和服务可以证明是非常有利的, 了解如何减轻组织的风险也很重要. LBMC 网络安全 is dedicated to helping companies scale up without compromising security. 联系 us today to learn how we can help you protect your valuable cloud systems and data.


  • 专家指导: Our team is composed of seasoned professionals who bring decades of experience in IT security compliance. We offer tailored solutions designed to meet the unique challenges your organization faces.
  • 主动合规策略: 我们一直走在监管曲线的前面, providing strategic insights that prepare your organization for today’s compliance demands. 明升体育app下载前瞻性方法也为您做好了应对未来法规变化的准备.
  • 值得信赖的合作伙伴: 我们与客户建立持久的关系, becoming a trusted extension of your team dedicated to continuously enhancing your cybersecurity posture.


让LBMC网络安全帮助您驾驭IT安全法规的复杂世界. 我们将帮助您建立一个强大的合规框架,从而建立信任, 保护数据, 促进增长. 我们对卓越和创新的承诺使我们成为网络安全领域的领导者.

This leadership allows you to uncover new business opportunities and achieve higher levels of compliance and assurance. 在明升体育app下载支持下, your organization can navigate complex security challenges and enhance its operational security standards.

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